JFK Lancer Resource Mail Order


New Video!540. THE TEXAS THEATER BURNS. Actual television coverage/footage showing the burning of this historic building where Oswald was arrested. $19.95

541. THE PATSY PASCHALL INTERVIEWS. Actual televison coverage/footage of interviews with Ms. Paschell concerning her never-before released film of the assassination events on November 22, 1963. Excerpts from the film are included. $19.95


536. ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE: THE JFK TAPES. Hear JFK and Cabinet members' actual voices discuss the Cuban Missile Crisis. Moderated by Ted Koppel with Theodore Sorenson.$15.00


501. FAKE by photoanalyst Jack White, (1990), A video describing "the incredible photo forgery that proves a sophisticated conspiracy in the assassination of President Kennedy!" (CE 133 A&B).$29.95

502. THE MANY FACES OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD, by photoanalyst Jack White, (1991), "This video reveals a world of secret agents, false identities, photo forgeries, official misconduct, murders, and even body switches." $29.95

503. JFK: THE CASE FOR CONSPIRACY, produced by Robert Groden, (1993), 1 hr. 43 min. "Presented here for the first time are the films of the murder, mastered from Mr. Groden's original material. This tape truly represents the case for conspiracy." ONE OF THE BEST VIDEOS OUT! $34.95

504. THE PLOT TO KILL JFK: RUSH TO JUDGMENT, produced by Emile de Antonio and Mark Lane, (1988), 98 min Video of eyewitness testimony. "This film permits you to be the real jury...to see and hear the witnesses of Dallas." $29.95

505. REASONABLE DOUBT, produced by Chip Selby, (1988), 60 mins. This video attempts "to answer the mystery's most basic question: was Kennedy killed by a lone assassin or as a result of a conspiracy?" $29.95

506. THE JFK CONSPIRACY, hosted by James Earl Jones, includes expert testimony, photographs, documents, evidence, an extended interview with Oliver Stone, and the world famous Zapruder film. $39.95

509. WHO KILLED MARTIN LUTHER KING?, (1992), 52 mins. "This revealing program contains unprecedented interviews with James Earl Ray and other key participants in the case." $29.95

510. BEST EVIDENCE: THE RESEARCH VIDEO, (1980) Follows the best selling book by the same name. Filmed as a permanent record of the false medical evidence, eyewitnesses testimony, and the research of David Lifton. $14.95

511. FOUR DAYS IN NOVEMBER, (1964) 2 hrs. Documentary with actual footage of those four tragic days in our history. Over two hours long! $29.95

512. ASSASSINATION: THE JIM GARRISON TAPES, 90 Minutes, (1992) Deals with Garrison's research in New Orleans and his views of what really happened. The real Jim Garrison faces the camera to tell the whole story. Actual footage, new witnesses, new evidence..A GOOD TAPE!! $29.95





514. BEYOND JFK- THE QUESTION OF CONSPIRACY,. A spellbinding documentary that examines the issues dramatized in the movie JFK. Uses newsreel and interview footage. Includes eyewitness testimony. $29.95

516. JFK: DIRECTOR'S CUT, 206 mins. Oliver Stone's blockbuster movie with scenes never shown before! In this edition, Stone has added 17 minutes of footage to the movie. $29.95

518. STALKING THE PRESIDENT: A History of American Assassins, 50 mins. Starting with the assassination attempt on Andrew Jackson, this probing documentary goes behind the scenes to uncover little known facts & represents rare and dynamic footage of these events. Also studies the murders of Dr. King, Robert Kennedy, & George Wallace. $24.95

519. WHO KILLED JFK? FACTS, NOT FICTION (1992), A Special CBS News Home Video Presentation of a "48 Hours" Production, hosted by Dan Rather. A typical "lone nut" video. $29.95

520. THE ASSASSINATION OF JFK, By Dennis Mueller, (1992) This video looks at the Warren Commission investigation and the centers of power in the early sixties who were at odds with many of JFK's policies. $24.95

521.DEEP POLITICS IN THE UNITED STATES , Part 1: The Banana Connection, Peter Dale Scott (1993) 54 minutes, focuses on how American fruit companies, unions, and organized crime and the CIA joined forces in the 1954 coup in Guatemala and subsequent activities which helped to establish the foundations for "deep politics" in the US today. Discusses the Bay of Pigs fiasco & other events leading up to the JFK assassination. After watching this tape, it all makes sense! We recommend it. $34.95

522. JFK: THE DAY THE NATION CRIED, (1989), 52 minutes. The story is built around the exclusive historic videotape from WFAA, Dallas TV station. Woven through the footage are recollections of many on JFK. hosted by James Earl Jones. $24.95

523. THE KENNEDY'S, 100 minutes, Tracing the Kennedys from the Irish potato famine of the 1860's to their ascendance on the American political scene. $24.95

524. THE ASSASSINATION OF MARTIN L. KING, JR., 95 minutes, In depth account of the government's counter-Intelligence agenda against King. $24.95

525. THE PLOT TO KILL ROBERT KENNEDY, 95 minutes, containing newly released documents, film clips and formerly suppressed testimony, this program will make you think twice about the single-assassin theory that centers on Sirhan Sirhan. $24.95

526 A. A CRISIS FOR DEMOCRACY: CORRUPTION IN GOVERNMENT, 58 minutes, a strong case for surprising areas of corruption in secret federal agencies using today's headlines, testimony, and expert analysis..Drug running, Waco, Savings & Loan, Sexual perversions. $19.95

526 B. ORGANIZED CRIME IN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 60 minutes, a study of the assassination of JFK, secret government drug running, illegal domestic political operations, and psychological operations, with death threats to Americans, and much more.$19.95

528. AIR FORCE ONE: THE PLANES & THE PRESIDENTS 45 mins. Narrated by Charleton Heston. Examines the history & evolution of presidential flight from Franklin D. Roosevelt to George Bush. $24.95

530. INSIDE THE CIA, EACH $19.98

A. PART 1. Discover what is fact and fiction about the CIA's involvement's over the last 40 years.

B. PART 2. Learn about CIA plots, such as assassinations used as a tool of the US foreign policy.

C. PART 3. See how the CIA uses subversive tactics to topple or destabilize foreign governments when the policies of those governments come into conflict with those of the CIA.

531. THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY, 105 minutes, The best investigative tape available. Shown on the Arts & Entertainment Network. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. $29.95

532.EYEWITNESS VIDEO PART 1,by Mark Oakes, 120 minutes of edited interviews of witnesses & policemen with five exclusive interviews. $26.95

533. EYEWITNESS VIDEO PART 2, by Mark Oakes, 120 minutes of un-edited interviews with 3 world exclusive interviews with an FBI agent, a Parkland Hospital nurse, and a woman who took a color movie film from the old Court House in Dallas. $26

534. ON THE TRAIL OF THE MYSTERY FBI MAN, by Mark Oakes, 32 minutes, new evidence, names and documented confirmation of the man photographed on the south side of Elm Street, bending down to recover "evidence" not reported. 4 exclusive interviews.$24.00

535. PROJECT JFK OLATHE KANSAS OCT 1994 Student Symposium on The Kennedy Assassination 60 minutes. Craig Roberts, Author of "Kill Zone" will offer new insights into the murder of President Kennedy, ED Hoffman Eyewitness to the Assassination gives his eyewitness testimory. $21.95



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